This 12th century English rendering of Hell (see below) did not strike Mr. Scampers as anything anomalous upon first observation. But then, utilizing my Super Scampers Senses, I zoomed in and took a closer look at the facial semblances in the depiction - and I was totally astonished with my variegated discoveries. It was as if this painter, nearly 1000 years ago, had some sort of prophetic insight on the final destination for infamous human souls in the following centuries. See denoted inset image and close-up views below.
1. Percy Shelley (1792-1822): Buffoon from a privileged family of radical intellectuals. Overrated Romantic poet, lazy and irresponsible. Precursor to the inauthentic, hedonistic rock stars and celebrities of today.

2. Karl Marx (1818-1883): Principal theoretician for the modern plague of Communism. What's he doing with that goofy looking helmet?

3. Benito Mussolini (1883-1945): Italian dictator during World War II. Thug and left wing nut job.

4. Fr. Robert Drinan (1920-2007): Apostate priest responsible for convincing the Kennedy clan that it is acceptable to be pro-abortion and Catholic. Recall, however, that Fr. Andrew Greeley and Drinan look quite alike. Considering Greeley's cornball novels and support for Obama, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

5. Mr. Scampers: Goodness gracious... that looks like me!
Disclaimer: The Heresy Hunter (TH2) does not necessarily endorse, approve or assent to the ideations, articulations, ruminations, expurgations, cogitations, castigations or depictions as disseminated by Mr. Scampers. Any perceived similarities between views expressed in TH2 postings and the expostulations of Mr. Scampers are purely coincidental.