31 August 2010


Somewhat related to my previous post...

An artist's depiction of the sanctuary at Cofton Park for the beatification of John Henry Cardinal Newman. (H/T Damian Thompson)

Oh my goodness. This is just terrible. It's right out of Logan's Run.

Sanctuary... You better run runner.



Anita Moore said...

THAT'S where I saw that sanctuary before. Thought it looked familiar!

TH2 said...

Damian Thompson seems to have some influence across the pond (I might be wrong), perhaps his post will spark some kind of change. He has many readers.

Anita Moore said...

I know one thing that would spark some kind of change: don't hire architects to design Catholic sanctuaries who don't have the Catholic faith.

Old Bob said...

That's a Catholic sanctuary?!

Larry Denninger said...

I know another thing that will spark change - a couple sticks of C4!

Optimusmastro said...

C'mon guys!! Its called 'worship space.' A place where 'humankind' can gather as 'Church' around the table of the Lord. Its gives so much room to hold social justice dinners and women's ordination dialogues between the 'table' and the ambo! You guys are soo closed minded! This architecture represents the 'spirit of the second vatican council.'

For the people who don't know me I'm being sarcastic!!! lol!!!


Old Bob said...

I don't see a tabernacle, and I notice the "presider's" chair is at back center where the tabernacle should be. I've heard of "in persona Christi" but this is ridiculous. Shame!

Anita Moore said...

Well...this is the country that came up with those creepy metal blob mascots for the Olympics.

TH2 said...

Guys: Was this architectural catastrophe a result of: (1) ignorance or (2) were its designers well cognizant of their George Jetson modernism, sticking it to "the Man" as it were? Methinks latter.

Anita Moore said...

I can't help thinking it's the latter, either. Especially if the people who set these things up have ever read anything the Holy Father has written about the liturgy.

Just for this, he ought to celebrate the beatification Mass in the Extraordinary Form (though admittedly, I think he ought to do it anyway, just on general principles).

Al said...

Given everything I know about the hierarcy & the state of the Church in England, i would say that for them this is understated. & YES, I am being extremely sarcastic folks.

My 1st thought when I saw it was the old series "The Time Tunnel, but I also see the Logan's Run connection. With a little Crystal Cathederal thrown in.

TH2 while I think the Jetsons show had a way better sense of archetecture than this, given that the Jetsons took place in 2000-01 time period, you may be a lot more accurate with your desrcibing it as "George Jetson modernism" than even you may have realized.

IMHO Papa Benedetto ought to declare an automatic excommunication for any Catholic involved in this infamia.

Paul said...

This makes the Las Vegas cathedral look quaint.

TH2 said...

Paul: Our Lady of the Angels in LA also looks quaint by comparison.

Mary said...

TH2, I'll be the dissenter here and go with Option 1. From past reading (admittedly years ago) there are architects/designers hired who have no background/knowledge in church architecture/design/tradition. It's the fault of those who've done the hiring, IMO; committees (or whoever) receive the designs/renderings before any work starts.

Mary said...

Sorry TH2 - that was really just a general comment about putrid church architecture. What was this particular designer thinking? Igloo? Skating rink? It's important to make these things multipurpose, sort of a like the infamous Protestant worship space/gymnasium combination.

Anonymous said...

As I stare at this picture...I hear a little sound in the back of my head.

Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping.

Seriously, I can see it now.

Priest: Live Long and Prosper.
Congregation: And also with you.

No, it doesn't make the most sense, but neither does the design...

TH2 said...

Mary: I'll take your opting for Option 1 as valid. Recall, when I commented at your blog, on how, during a homily at my parish (poorly designed), the priest introduced the architect in the pews, and everyone clapped, congratulating him on his design. So there are those who really are oblivious.

Celestine: Speaking of ping... howz about pong? That thing that is supposed to be an altar (I think) looks like a ping pong table.

Tim J. said...

My eyes!!!!

Larry Denninger said...

TH2 - I tagged you in a meme. If you want, you can have Mr Scampers do it.

TH2 said...

I'll get on it. Thank you, sir.

Anonymous said...

I've got a great idea, how about we all get real worked up and judgmental about a building (a material and temporary structure), and forget about the central teachings of Jesus, Love, Humility and Forgiveness. Let's knock the protestants for their spaces, and lets exclude all the architects and designers that are not part of the catholic club, that should really bring home the message of Christ!

TH2 said...

Here's another great idea, Anonymous: How about we balance 40+ years of horizontal-worship, "it's all about us", emotionalistic Protestantism (that has decimated Catholic liturgy) and return to Catholic realism and vertically-directed worship of God. If your preference is for cornball architecture and design, then I am sure you will like this.

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