All out of boredom, gentlemen... all out of boredom.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes From Underground
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes From Underground
H/T Fr. Finigan
"Hopi Ear Candling": Further evidence on the decline of Western Civilization...
Would you like to become an Accredited Ear Candling Practitioner?
We run regular 2 day courses in which the practicalities of safe ear candling are addressed, together with an in-depth examination of how the process of ear candling can produce those powerful effects on health improvement. We take a close look at how ear candling fits in with an alternative approach to health and illness, and we provide an understanding of the disease process that allows people a much greater degree of control over their own health. We are willing to travel in order to bring this ancient healing art closer to you. If you are interested in attending a course... please contact us. We are certainly interested to listen to you.
Ear candling -- you can't make this stuff up. There's nothing so crazy that someone won't try it. Especially if there's money in it.
Perhaps the Hunter can help me identify the origin of a pertinent saying. "When you cease to believe in God, you will believe in anything."
GKC if I'm correct.
Wimps. They should do that WITHOUT the paper plates.
Ear candling has gotten to be a big thing arround here as well. The new age holistic wellness centers were pushing it. Another wacko New Age thing arround here is hot stone therapy.
& PB, yes, TH2 is correct, it was GK Chesterton who said it. & Ear candling & hot stone therapy prove it.
Bob: There's gotta be money it.
Mary: Good idea. Maybe I'll try it that way :o
Al: Hot stone therapy, ear candling, crystals... notice the immanentized earthiness of it all, i.e. paganism.
EAR CANDLING???? ROTFLMAO!!!! And they're doing it in front of an open window!!!!!
So some Hopis got together over beer and pretzels one night, and one of them, not to be outdone by L. Ron Hubbard and his tin cans, said, "I bet you guys $100.00 I can get some rich white liberals to PAY ME to stick candles in their ears." Everybody laughed their asses off and took the bet...
...and the bet paid off. I've heard, over the years, about all kinds of New Age "health" remedies, but I confess to never knowing about this one until reading Fr. Finigan's post.
Anita: Very funny! Next they convinced hippies to walk around in the desert all day looking for "vortexes."
TH2, Yup neo-paginism. monism world view, New Age garbage at its worst. What gets me is how people are throwing away good money on this. The hot stone therapy goes for $75 an hour. Now that I think of it, I could have made a fortune the past few weeks just from the gravel nearby.
PB I think it was after the hot stones they did the vortex thing.
P.B., then they called down the aliens who did the crop circles. Because no human being can make perfect circles like that.
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