06 November 2009


Do you remember Sr. Donna Quinn (on left in photo)? Late last October this nun was in the news after the discovery of her malevolent role as an abortion "clinic escort". Yes, the news made the blogs for a day or so, but the story has seemed to fade away. Almost forgotten.

Not so for my American friend Al at his excellent blog Is Anybody There? He's making waves at Sr. Quinn's order, the Sinsinawa Dominicans, and the sisters are starting to do cartwheels.

TH2 breaks things down in a timeline:

OCTOBER 23: LifeSite News reports that Sr. Donna Quinn is volunteering as a "clinic escort" at an abortion mill in Hillsdale, Illinois. LINK

OCTOBER 24: Al reports the story on his blog, wherein he states: "I am familiar with Sinsinawa & how much they are anything but faithful Catholics. So to hear how supportive her prioress is doesn't surprise me. It does sicken me, however. So to answer Steve Jalsevec's question, she is representative of what things are like at Sinsinawa, not an aberration. The few elderly faithful nuns who still wear the habits are the exception, sadly. The sound you hear is their founder, Venerable Samuel Mazzuchelli, OP, turning over in his grave up in Benton, WI." LINK On this same date Al writes a letter on the matter to a local newspaper, the Telegraph Herald, in Dubuque, IA.

OCTOBER 26: Al was contacted by the Telegraph Herald. He states: "I was contacted by the TH on Monday 26 October to confirm I sent it."

NOVEMBER 2: The Sinsinawa Domincans issue a "Public Statement" on their website, apparently reprimanding Sr. Quinn. LINK

NOVEMBER 3: Three things happen on this date: (1) LifeSite News reports on the reprimand LINK; (2) Al's letter is published in the Telegraph Herald LINK. On its publication, he states: "I was surprised that it took that long to publish it as a letter is usually appears within 3-4 days after I have been contacted in the past. I suspect that they contacted Sr. Patricia over at Sinsinawa to get her reaction, but I can't confirm that"; and (3) During the evening Al gets a phone call from the Sinsinawa Dominicans. You have to read Al's retelling of the conversation that ensued. LINK

NOVEMBER 5: LifeSite News reports that Sr. Quinn is still "defiant following rebuke, but stops abortion escorting" LINK

NOVEMBER 6 [TODAY]: Al updated his post: "I was told by the Dominican that called me Tuesday night that a statement from Sr. Patricia was sent to the TH & would appear in Wednesday's edition. That statement, which was the same 1 as they put on their website, finally appeared in today's Letter's to the Editor."

TH2 humbly asks readers to drop by at Al's blog and give your support to this great Defender of the Unborn.

God be with you, my friend.

[UPDATE / NOVEMBER 9]: Al has just posted a thorough analysis on this case. His conclusion: "I think it is pretty clear that Sr. Donna is not the exception to the rule but a prime example of the mindset of the Sinsinawa Dominicans (a few of the elder nuns excepted) & what I have shown you is only the tip of the iceberg. It is clear that the Sinsinawa Dominicans do not think that protecting the unborn from being murdered by abortion is either a human rights issue or an social justice issue. If it was as important as they claim it is then they would not be so silent on the issue." READ HERE.

TH2 Note: To clarify, the "Sister Patricia" that Al mentioned on November 6 is not the same person as Sister Patricia (alter ego/LarryD) from Acts of the Apostasy (see comments).



Al said...

Grazie for spreading the word. I am seriously considering anothe post about some of the things the support, like Amnesty International which, as you know, supports legalized abortion. & then there is their women's network agenda. & that is just the start.

Iam also considering writing a letter to Sr. Patricia about how I was treated as well as how that statement was disingenuous.

I ask as many people as possible to write to Sr. Patricia as well as Bishop Morlino of Madison. I didn't mention it in the post but the Dominican I talked to Tues night claimed they were already working with Cardinal George (I doubt it) so write to him as well.

They are hoping this will die down & we can't let it.

TH2 said...

No probs, Al. My pleasure.

Al said...

Upcoming Post Alert!
Well, I just got done with a long post dissecting the Sinsinawa Dominicans claim they uphold Catholic teaching on abortion. It is guarenteed to get them even more upset than ever, if they read it, which I doubt they will. (But since I occassionally get a hit from the Vatican maybe the right person there will.) The report is scheduled for tommorrow morning. Now I need to go clean up as I feel like I have just been wading through a cesspool.

TH2 said...

I will tuning in to read your analysis. Whether or not the SDs read your post - why not just advise (i.e. provoke) them with an e-mail saying you are doing so? Maybe one of them would be unable to withold curiosity and read it. Glad to hear the Vatican is checking in at your site. It is taking bloggers very seriously.

Al said...

Thinking about a letter to Bishop Morlino 1st, with printouts of the web pages so that even if they change things there will be evidence of their coverup.

They are a prime example of the need for the Vatican Visitation & the investigation. & you can be sure that they are NOT looking forward to it.

TH2 said...

Keep us apprised, sir.

Al said...

Grazie for posting the update. I've been doing research like this since the late 70s when some questions came up in a group I belonged to about if something (Unity Village) was a cult. After a while you begin to recognize the code words etc. they put out to fool those they want to keep ignorant.

Fortunately, there are plenty of us out there who are able to cut through the disingenuousness. As you know, it is hard work, but necessary work.But we need to do it. & more & more people are waking up as we get the word out.

SisterPatricia said...

Just to set the record straight, I am not the Sister Patricia in the story.

I don't even know where Illinois is!!

TH2 said...


Larry Denninger said...

Hey TH2 - if Sister causes any trouble on your blog, let me know.

And BTW - not to be a nitpicker - but there's no "C" in Apostasy. Tnx!

TH2 said...

Will do...
Grammar corrected - thanks for indicating.

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