I. Apologies for the nearly two-month-long hiatus. Yours truly has been tremendously busy as of late with various matters, work and personal wise, and thusly haven't possessed the energetics to churn out a post during those infrequent episodes of free time. Being an international stuntman is quite demanding. It requires 16+ hours per day of focus and determination, let alone those flights to exotic lands, meaning that I'm in transit for long durations. Been getting a fair number of Bollywood gigs lately. A real blast. You can see me in action in one of my latest flicks here. The Bollywood scene is fascinating, more so phoney and vicious than an irreligious Hollywood, yet the Hinduism manifests itself in whatever cultural expression. I have a special affection for the people of India, as you might have surmised from my occasional posting of Evergreen music videos. Still, the country's endemic paganism is totally irreconcilable with my rad trad inclinations. Catholicism always has had a tough go in the subcontinent since when St. Thomas the Apostle arrived on its coasts and established churches circa 52 AD.[1] Currently, India's population is 1.2 billion, of which approximately 17 million are Catholics, less than 2% of the total (there are around 7 million non-Catholic Christians). And in recent years there's been a significant amount of Christian persecution, facilitated particularly by the ultra-nationalists of the BJP party.[2] The ruling INC likes to portray itself as broadminded when it comes to non-Hindu religions, but don't believe much of what you read in those AP reports (thank God for Bl. Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity). India never was that open or accommodating to Christianity, which brings us to today's topic...
II. Let's now travel westward, crossing the Prime Meridian and set course for Torontoland. Here, we discover a Catholic organization that, conversely, has become too open and accommodating of other religions, Hinduism or otherwise, so much that you have to wonder why it today even identifies itself as a "Canadian Roman Catholic Mission Society". The China Mission Seminary (Almonte, Ontario) was founded by Fr. John Mary Fraser in 1918, later moving to Scarborough in 1921, then becoming known as the Scarboro Foreign Mission Society, today just Scarboro Missions. SFM's original purpose was to "train and send missionary priests to China" (another country where Catholicism has had it rough, especially since Mao). Much good work did Msgr. Fraser's SFM do over the decades. Although, it was symbolic that he died in September 1962, on the eve of the opening of Vatican II. Because within a short time after the council closed something terrible happened. SFM invited the laity to get involved, a little too much involved - and they just won't go away. Sort of like those family gatherings with that uncle who ends up drunk and naked on the front lawn and stubbornly refuses to go home. But perhaps we should let the SFM website speak for itself:
The prophetic vision of Vatican Council II... especially revealed the vital witness of laity and the unique gifts that they offer to further God's Reign in the world. Since 1974, single men and women, as well as married couples, have been invited to join with Scarboro priests as global missioners for Christ and His Church.[3]
III. Now before any of you send me hate mail (always welcome, by the way, but in the com boxes is preferable), let's provide some prefacing evidence to bolster my scandalous claim. Just a simple graphical juxtaposition.
Before there was this...
Here we see a young Fr. Fraser - dignified, steadfast, outfitted in cassock and biretta, purpose burning in his eyes. Notice his missionaries: pensive, composed, confident, you can even see suffering in their faces.
Now, in the post-Vatican II era, we have this alarming situation...
Here we see "Fr. Charlie Gervais with his Charlie's Angels (Lay Missioners)" and, possibly, with Margaritaville playing in the background - and, goodness gracious, where's Bosley? Just one of the guys, partying it up with the laaaaadies, no clerics, just casual clothes. At this point we can invoke Canon 284 and remind the good father that "clerics are to wear suitable ecclesiastical garb". However, methinks such legalisms are irrelevant to a organization which presently enforces "dialogue" over "debate" (one mark for you if the purposeful contradiction was identified).
IV. Okay. If your knowledge about Catholic history is exclusively gleaned from books published by Novalis, or if you're Ron Rolheiser groupie (giggles), you probably think that the pre-Vatican II period - say, from Friday March 25, 33 AD running to Wednesday October 10, 1962 - was the Dark Age of the Catholic Church. That nasty, riotous Paul of Tarsus got the Engine of Despotism going and afterward it was pan-Christian suppression topped off with a baleful palette of its correlates: Eurocentric arrogance, the Crusades, exploitation and decimation of pagan cultures, colonialism, slavery, industrialization, The Perry Como Show, "and all the rest of it", to use that hallowed phrase of Belloc. Directly linked in with the fable of international subjugation by the Catholic Church was its missionary work and associated activities because, err, that's how Christianity spread throughout the globe. Problem is, those missionaries - so we are incessantly told by V2-darlings and assorted neo-Caths - were malevolent and mendacious medievalists: stern, mean, tough, rigid, humourless, devoid of those metrosexual sensitivities necessitated in this modern era of "inclusivity" and health-shake afternoons with Oprah. Be it St. Jean de Brébeuf converting the Huron (later thanked by being butchered to death by the Iroquois), or St. Francis Xavier in India and Asiatic parts beyond, or the longsuffering, leprous St. Damien in Hawaii, or even St. Thomas' Summa contra Gentiles (written with missionaries in mind) - all these labours and martyrdoms and more, done in the name of Our Lord and Our Lady, were effectively as naught. It's a lovely mythology, fun for the kids, even (shock!) the CCCB endorses it, and the SFM site affords us with the standard narrative. Hope you have a bottle of Jack Daniels handy. Now take a swig and hold your nose:
In past centuries, Christian missioners tended to view other cultures and religions as corrupt and godless. The modern missioner is more likely to see God as already present and active in other religious cultures. Christian mission, therefore, does not consist of a movement toward theological and cultural imperialism. It can, however, involve the experience of inculturation. lnculturation, a fruit of Vatican II, refers to efforts to express the Christian life and mystery in each and every culture. For example, in North America it is now common to integrate the Native sweetgrass ceremony into Catholic Masses that involve the participation of First Nations people.
V. Don't know about the reader, but it's rather difficult to see God "present and active in other religious cultures" when, for example, the Hindu caste system is considered. When by birth a person is invariably classed as an "Untouchable", condemned to a life of misery, penury, with no opportunity for elevation in social status, it's hard to perceive the hand of God here, nor an eventual development of a thriving middle class. Galatians 3:28 provided that solution: "There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus". Or, if having had the displeasure of reading the Qur'an, selections from the Hadith or any honest history of Islam, you'd have to admit that "the Prophet" Mohammed was an ultraviolent, murderous, psychologically-disturbed, sadistic, sexual pervert, a pedophile to boot, and that Islam spread throughout the world solely by way of the sword. Don't see God's presence there. However, Lucifer's is, that stench who fell from heaven. Hey, what can I say? Guess I'm old fashioned. "But TH2, you palaeo-traditionalist nincompoop, you... you antediluvian desperado who eats kittens for breakfast, how dare you enunciate such horrendous things about the Religion of Peace?", someone might query. This isn't the post to respond to that question,[5] though let's steer back on track and observe how Scarboro Missions submits itself before the representatives of Islam. A reader of this blog provides a disturbing e-mail report:
I recently heard about four talks that were being held at the Scarborough Missions... on Tuesday evenings, starting last Tuesday, Feb. 21. These talks are advertised in the Catholic Register newspaper (Toronto) and are called Interfaith. The talk was given by a Muslim in the chapel and the speaker gave all the reasons why they don't believe in Jesus. When the topic of violence in their faith came up, the speaker skirted around the issue without answering the question. The people that attended were told to be respectful in their questions.[6]
VI. All this openness to anything and everything ties in with SFM's advocacy of "inculturation", claimed to be "a fruit of Vatican II". True, the fruity aspect is apparent, however the inculturation claim is false. It has a long history in the Church, notably with the Jesuits. We're not speaking of the slick, smooth-talking, feminized, oh-so-sweet-and-sensitive Jesuits of the modern day (here, the off-Broadway enthusiast and culture editor at America magazine immediately comes to mind). Rather, the old time Jesuits, the real men, before this order by and large went all Liberace for liberation theology. One example of authentic inculturation was manifested in the missionary life of the aforementioned Jesuit Jean de Brébeuf. A skilled linguist, he learnt the Huron language when in Canada. He developed a grammar for it, writing the first dictionary of this language, even translating prayers. He assimilated into the Huron culture, understood its various customs, and so forth. But this type of inculturation, having conversion to Catholicism as the goal, is altogether unlike the à la carte inculturation at SFM, which has group hugs as its prime directive. An analogy would be syrupy, celebrity crap like this. For SFM, inculturation means, for instance, "to integrate the Native sweetgrass ceremony into Catholic Masses". Ah, no, that's a liturgical abuse, a grave one, if not a downright abomination. Although, liturgical abuse is evidently commonplace at Scarboro Missions, judging by this photograph...
Bravo, Annibale, molto bravo! Let's see... ceramic vessels. That's a no no. Gold or silver the chalice must be. Wooden altar? Nope. Should be stone. Groovy kitchen table altar cloth - check. Laymen lounging around the altar in unkempt civies - check. Acoustic guitar - check. Artistically sterile church interior - check. Adorable felt banner - check (note the theological egalitarian expression thereon). Accordingly, we now have no other option except to exclaim: Goodness gracious, what's going on over there?
VII. Well, the evidence highly suggests Scarboro Missions, that once great society of Msgr. Fraser, has devolved into your run-of-the-mill social justice activist group with an undergirding philosophy that can only be characterized as syncretism. That is, an amalgamation of all the world's religions/philosophies into one, regardless of stark, irreconcilable differences between them, specifically as all of them differ from Catholicism. Since 1965 that ever-burgeoning Kafkaesque ecumenaucracy has concocted multifarious techniques to supposedly override interreligious incompatibilities. How? By diluting Catholicism into a syncretistic swirl of religiosities palatable only to those with the most refined, non-judgemental tastes. Meaning, call Dr. Feelgood because HERE COMES EVERYBODY! For some years the CCCB's Canadian Centre for Ecumenism has been successful at implementing such techniques. Check out its website and educate yourself on the "Green Church". There's even a "Multi-Faith Calendar". Don't forget, April 28 is "Buddha Day". Hooray! That's just fabulous... where's my bottle of Jack Daniels?
VIII. The specific technique wielded by SFM to quash the singularity of Catholicism is its "Principles and Guidelines for Interfaith Dialogue". It's reads like a list of conversation topic suggestions specifically tailored for tipsy floozies at the local bridge club. When it comes to matters ecumenical, SFM's motto can be summarized thusly: dialogue good, debate bad. Let's take a meticulous look [TH2 comments in bolded square brackets]...
Debate is oppositional: two or more sides oppose each other and attempt to prove each other wrong.[i.e. falsely setting matters into irreconcilable dualism, where no view is correct or, rather, absolute truth is rendered nil. Traces of Manicheanism here]. Dialogue is collaborative: two or more sides work together toward a common understanding. [there can be no "common understanding" between monotheism and polytheism, between the Buddhist atheism and Catholic theism, between Hindu's belief in reincarnation and the Church's proscription of it, since it's an effective denial of singular personhood, contorts the meaning of freewill, there's no finality in judgement after death as one is forever reincarnated into a bug or an Untouchable or a Brahmin, etc.]
In debate one searches for the other positions flaws and weaknesses.[What's wrong with identifying errors? If reason and logic cannot demonstrate error - forget about faith and doctrine for the moment - it therefore follows reason/logic are irrelevant. You see the irrationalism?] In dialogue one searches for strengths in the other position. [I'm OK, you're OK, cf. Ron Rolheiser columns. A thousand "strengths" do not equal or exceed the truth, unless all is a function of emotional intensity and the strength of the will]
Debate creates a closed-minded attitude, a determination to be right. [i.e. standard vilification of orthodoxy, cf. Ron Rolheiser columns. "Right" is right regardless of what the self thinks it to be. Truth is extraneous to the mind] Dialogue creates an open-minded attitude, an openness to being wrong and an openness to change.[Apparently, this applies to everyone except the Scarboro Missions, cf. aforementioned "Interfaith" talk when attendees were instructed to be "respectful" when questioning, despite the factuality regarding the connection between Islam and violence. So much for "openness"]
In debate winning is the goal. [So? The truth inevitably wins. Nothing to be afraid of. What's the problem?] In dialogue finding common ground is the goal.[Euphemism for religious/moral relativism. This isn't mere political/economical "dialogue"]
Debate defends one's position as the best solution and excludes other positions. [Truth is, in essence, "the best", exclusive. What's the problem here?] Dialogue opens up the possibility of reaching a better solutions than any of the original solutions. [How can something be "better" than the "best"? Ooops, sorry. I was using reason/logic when writing that statement]
Debate assumes there is a right answer and that someone has it. [Yup. What's wrong with that? It's not so much that "someone" has the "right answer", but more so that "the right answer", i.e. truth, possesses that "someone" because it is extraneous to that "someone"] Dialogue assumes many people have pieces of the answer and that together they can put them into a workable solution. [Many "pieces of the answer" is code for many answers in spite of their rationality, coherence or effects through the ages. All are equally valid, meaning that nobody's answer is unique and separated from the rest and, accordingly, that nobody's view really matters in the final analysis, as they are all neutralized onto a flat, egalitarian plane, cf. John Allen, Jr.'s views on "Catholic tribalism"]
Debate implies conclusion. [So? What's wrong with that? It's in man's nature to desire an answer, some finality, the real truth, which is why he always searches] Dialogue remains open-ended. [i.e. decades of ecumenical talk, excuses for inutile seminars/conferences, wastage of pew-sitter donations, nothing ever resolved, constant state of suspended animation, indecision, neurosis, and likely the main reason(s) why B16 by-passed all this nonsensical, self-congratulatory bureaucracy with Anglicanorum coetibus]
Nothing better exemplifies SFM's syncretist worldview than its famous "Golden Rule Poster". It's a cornucopia of innocuous, inoffensive delights. Click on the image below and be enlightened with comparable platitudes from Sikhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Baha'i, Mohammedism, Judaism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Unitarianism, Native Spirituality, and last but certainly least, Christianity, whose symbol isn't even made conspicuous or central to the poster.
IX. We've just conducted an inspection of the philosophical driving force behind SFM. Let's now briefly examine its finances and assorted departments/offices. We're not going to criticize specific personnel and membership save to say that a perusal of SFM's photo gallery displays a predominance of grey hair, habitless nuns and other baby boomer concomitants. Therefore, the "biological solution" is likely operative. An uncharitable remark? It's not something one necessarily gains pleasure in saying. Still, facts are facts, and the ecumenical syncretism promulgated by SFM clearly is inimical to traditional Catholicism. Scarboro Missions is a charitable organization with information published in the public domain and is thus open to scrutiny. If SFM regularly advertises in the Catholic Register and has done so for years, i.e. a source of income for CR, the chance is infinitesimal that its editors are going to dispatch an investigative reporter to 2685 Kingston Road to check out what's really going on over there. It will cover all the happy clappy stuff, to be sure. But for dissenting shenanigans? Forgetaboutit. They remain unexplored, or left unsaid even if the shenanigans are privy to those within the Church establishment. Thusly, the job of Inspector is left to those in the "new media" and, sometimes, to uncouth monsters like yours truly.
X. Two charity websites aid us in getting a snapshot of the financial situation. As of the last update on December 10, 2011, donate2charities.ca shows the following for SFM: Revenue = $6,575,217 and Expenditures = $4,329,387, meaning the former exceeds the latter by $2,457,830. Not too bad. Of the total expenditures, nearly $700K (16%) goes to administration and $1,451,354 (34%, greater than rest of expenditure items) is vaguely categorized as "other", which can meaning anything, and 34% is quite a hefty anything. SFM has Liabilities worth $11,074,213. However, Assets far surpass this value, at $39,505,822 of which $35,956,344 (a whopping 91%) is (interestingly) classified as long-term investments. Obviously, a financial expert is being consulted by Scarboro Missions. This isn't a bad thing. SFM is definitely not in the red - always nice to hear about a Catholic organization, except it would be marvellous if SFM would devote its resources to spreading authentic Catholicism instead of peddling that Golden Rule claptrap. The site donate2charities.ca gives a 2-stars-out-of-5 ranking for SFM, which certainly isn't a compliment - in fact, it sucks - and one still wonders where the 1.5 mill in "other expenditures" is going. Let's hope not to martini lunches in Yorkville.
XI. The other charity monitor website is opencharity.ca. Some eyebrow raisers here. SFM receives monetary gifts mainly from parishes, convents, monasteries, "charitable corporations" and three dioceses (Kingston, Hamilton, St. Catharines). The norm. But SFM also gives money to various groups. It's largest gift, a $50,000 donation, goes to Development and Peace (SFM has partnered with D+P since its inception in the 1967). Given that the feds recently slashed D+P funding by a staggering 65%,[7] it wouldn't be unreasonable to posit a flurry of e-mails from D+P HQ to Scarborough, respectfully asking SFM to exceed is $50K gift next time around. SFM also donates to the left wing outfit Citizens for Public Justice. Its ExecDir is Joe Gunn. He's a buddy of Glen "I've-got-the-hots-for-Elizabeth-Johnson" Argan, and so you can read Gunny's regular column at the Western Communist Reporter. SFM also donates to Ploughshares (no surprise) and, intriguingly, to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the David Suzuki Foundation. Why a Catholic organization would donate pro-abortion/depopulationist agencies is a mystery to this blogger. Mind you, the amounts are paltry ($165 to CCPA, $50 to DSF). Yet it's the symbolism of donating to these groups which is telling, evidencing there's a few rascals within Scarboro Missions' inner ranks sympathetic to anti-natalist policies (protection of "the workers", "the environment" is camouflage). Note that Cardinal Collins is Director of the SFM board. Given that he's been head honcho in YYZ since 2006, a concern arises as to why His Eminence is letting this happen. Or why SFM's website is permitted to provide supportive links to pro-abortion organizations such as UNICEF, Amnesty International, OXFAM and KAIROS.[8] Just minutiae? Or maybe he missed that board meeting. Anyway, not much information on pro-life activities at the SFM website. Just two mentions of the word "abortion" when a search was performed, and those were merely quotations from external documents/sources.
XII. Now to few of the offices/departments at Scarboro Missions. The Interfaith Office seems like a wonderful place, a joyous place: "At a dramatic pace, more and more regions of the world are becoming environments of multi-culture and multi-faith... The great faiths of the world are now talking to one another in a fashion that is new, challenging and exciting. And Christianity has joined the conversation". It is my understanding that Christianity started the whole ecumenical fest, not joining afterward. And it's preposterous to imply that other religions as such are open to "ecumenical dialogue". Just can't see a conference entitled Ecumenism, Me and You: How to Achieve Non-Judgemental Interfaith Oneness in World Religions taking place in Tehran. Don't see ecumenism originating from Japan. A combinatorial Shinto/Buddhism is the dominant philosophy and, as for ethnicity, 99% of the country's population is Japanese. Not much multiculturalism in the Land of the Rising Sun. If TH2 recalls correctly, the Aztec religion involved human sacrifice, slicing open the chest, ripping out the heart of its many victims so as to appease the gods, afterward disposing bodies, then feeding viscera to animals. Now imagine if World Religions superstar Sr. Joan Chittister[9] hopped in a time machine, travelled back to thirteenth century Mesoamerica, then was transported directly atop the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan where the aforesaid sacrifices were in progress. Imagine the astonishment on the faces of the by-standers. Her billowing bouffant, her polyester pantsuit shimmering under the searing sun. "Goodness gracious, what have we here? Is this navy blue bombshell a sacrificial gift from the gods?", said the guy holding a flint knife. What affable ecumenical adage could the Blueberry Muffin have vocalized to extricate herself from that unpleasant circumstance? - "Hey boys, happy Kwanza"?
XIII. So, then, this "talking to one another in a fashion that is new, challenging and exciting" is exactly that - talk, amongst themselves, though I would substitute the word "exciting" with "boring". Pope Benedict says: "It is important to recognize dissent for what it is, and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate". Years of seminars, meetings, conferences without a commitment of doing what Catholic missionaries are supposed to do: witness/convert outsiders to Catholicism as the religion not a religion. Hold on. SFM's Vocations Department does have a suite of "commitments". It does "witness to the sacred". Then, let's take a gander at one of these commitments: "Scarboro missioners see the urgency today of giving witness to the sacredness of the earth itself". No, the pantheism ain't working. It's safe to deduce that the Divine Injunction to "subdue the Earth" in Genesis 1 isn't looked upon positively. And what would a dissent-driven Catholic organization be in the post-V2 era without a Justice & Peace Office. Don't want to discuss SFM's version now because lately I find the entire field of "social justice" (i.e. bureaucratic mountains of nebulously-worded, never-to-be-read reports, letters, proceedings, communiqués, position papers, ad nauseum) to be utterly depressing. A Scarboro Missions example: "Work on social justice is done collaboratively and primarily through inter-church connections such as KAIROS, as well as interfaith and wider societal connections". See? Depressing.
XIV. Finally, there is the Mission Information/Education Department, which might be alternatively named the Ministry of Unobjectionable Propaganda. It's "committed to informing Canadian Catholics about issues in mission, what missioners are saying and doing in light of new developments in the world and how we can respond to the new directions in which the Spirit of God leads us". The department produces study guides on "global justice and peace", "ecological justice" and like documentation. Included with its commitment of "informing Canadian Catholics" are the kids. A variety of "student resources" are available, including high school "teaching models". Here's one for "World Religions Retreat Day":
IX. We've just conducted an inspection of the philosophical driving force behind SFM. Let's now briefly examine its finances and assorted departments/offices. We're not going to criticize specific personnel and membership save to say that a perusal of SFM's photo gallery displays a predominance of grey hair, habitless nuns and other baby boomer concomitants. Therefore, the "biological solution" is likely operative. An uncharitable remark? It's not something one necessarily gains pleasure in saying. Still, facts are facts, and the ecumenical syncretism promulgated by SFM clearly is inimical to traditional Catholicism. Scarboro Missions is a charitable organization with information published in the public domain and is thus open to scrutiny. If SFM regularly advertises in the Catholic Register and has done so for years, i.e. a source of income for CR, the chance is infinitesimal that its editors are going to dispatch an investigative reporter to 2685 Kingston Road to check out what's really going on over there. It will cover all the happy clappy stuff, to be sure. But for dissenting shenanigans? Forgetaboutit. They remain unexplored, or left unsaid even if the shenanigans are privy to those within the Church establishment. Thusly, the job of Inspector is left to those in the "new media" and, sometimes, to uncouth monsters like yours truly.
X. Two charity websites aid us in getting a snapshot of the financial situation. As of the last update on December 10, 2011, donate2charities.ca shows the following for SFM: Revenue = $6,575,217 and Expenditures = $4,329,387, meaning the former exceeds the latter by $2,457,830. Not too bad. Of the total expenditures, nearly $700K (16%) goes to administration and $1,451,354 (34%, greater than rest of expenditure items) is vaguely categorized as "other", which can meaning anything, and 34% is quite a hefty anything. SFM has Liabilities worth $11,074,213. However, Assets far surpass this value, at $39,505,822 of which $35,956,344 (a whopping 91%) is (interestingly) classified as long-term investments. Obviously, a financial expert is being consulted by Scarboro Missions. This isn't a bad thing. SFM is definitely not in the red - always nice to hear about a Catholic organization, except it would be marvellous if SFM would devote its resources to spreading authentic Catholicism instead of peddling that Golden Rule claptrap. The site donate2charities.ca gives a 2-stars-out-of-5 ranking for SFM, which certainly isn't a compliment - in fact, it sucks - and one still wonders where the 1.5 mill in "other expenditures" is going. Let's hope not to martini lunches in Yorkville.
XI. The other charity monitor website is opencharity.ca. Some eyebrow raisers here. SFM receives monetary gifts mainly from parishes, convents, monasteries, "charitable corporations" and three dioceses (Kingston, Hamilton, St. Catharines). The norm. But SFM also gives money to various groups. It's largest gift, a $50,000 donation, goes to Development and Peace (SFM has partnered with D+P since its inception in the 1967). Given that the feds recently slashed D+P funding by a staggering 65%,[7] it wouldn't be unreasonable to posit a flurry of e-mails from D+P HQ to Scarborough, respectfully asking SFM to exceed is $50K gift next time around. SFM also donates to the left wing outfit Citizens for Public Justice. Its ExecDir is Joe Gunn. He's a buddy of Glen "I've-got-the-hots-for-Elizabeth-Johnson" Argan, and so you can read Gunny's regular column at the Western Communist Reporter. SFM also donates to Ploughshares (no surprise) and, intriguingly, to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the David Suzuki Foundation. Why a Catholic organization would donate pro-abortion/depopulationist agencies is a mystery to this blogger. Mind you, the amounts are paltry ($165 to CCPA, $50 to DSF). Yet it's the symbolism of donating to these groups which is telling, evidencing there's a few rascals within Scarboro Missions' inner ranks sympathetic to anti-natalist policies (protection of "the workers", "the environment" is camouflage). Note that Cardinal Collins is Director of the SFM board. Given that he's been head honcho in YYZ since 2006, a concern arises as to why His Eminence is letting this happen. Or why SFM's website is permitted to provide supportive links to pro-abortion organizations such as UNICEF, Amnesty International, OXFAM and KAIROS.[8] Just minutiae? Or maybe he missed that board meeting. Anyway, not much information on pro-life activities at the SFM website. Just two mentions of the word "abortion" when a search was performed, and those were merely quotations from external documents/sources.
XII. Now to few of the offices/departments at Scarboro Missions. The Interfaith Office seems like a wonderful place, a joyous place: "At a dramatic pace, more and more regions of the world are becoming environments of multi-culture and multi-faith... The great faiths of the world are now talking to one another in a fashion that is new, challenging and exciting. And Christianity has joined the conversation". It is my understanding that Christianity started the whole ecumenical fest, not joining afterward. And it's preposterous to imply that other religions as such are open to "ecumenical dialogue". Just can't see a conference entitled Ecumenism, Me and You: How to Achieve Non-Judgemental Interfaith Oneness in World Religions taking place in Tehran. Don't see ecumenism originating from Japan. A combinatorial Shinto/Buddhism is the dominant philosophy and, as for ethnicity, 99% of the country's population is Japanese. Not much multiculturalism in the Land of the Rising Sun. If TH2 recalls correctly, the Aztec religion involved human sacrifice, slicing open the chest, ripping out the heart of its many victims so as to appease the gods, afterward disposing bodies, then feeding viscera to animals. Now imagine if World Religions superstar Sr. Joan Chittister[9] hopped in a time machine, travelled back to thirteenth century Mesoamerica, then was transported directly atop the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan where the aforesaid sacrifices were in progress. Imagine the astonishment on the faces of the by-standers. Her billowing bouffant, her polyester pantsuit shimmering under the searing sun. "Goodness gracious, what have we here? Is this navy blue bombshell a sacrificial gift from the gods?", said the guy holding a flint knife. What affable ecumenical adage could the Blueberry Muffin have vocalized to extricate herself from that unpleasant circumstance? - "Hey boys, happy Kwanza"?
XIII. So, then, this "talking to one another in a fashion that is new, challenging and exciting" is exactly that - talk, amongst themselves, though I would substitute the word "exciting" with "boring". Pope Benedict says: "It is important to recognize dissent for what it is, and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate". Years of seminars, meetings, conferences without a commitment of doing what Catholic missionaries are supposed to do: witness/convert outsiders to Catholicism as the religion not a religion. Hold on. SFM's Vocations Department does have a suite of "commitments". It does "witness to the sacred". Then, let's take a gander at one of these commitments: "Scarboro missioners see the urgency today of giving witness to the sacredness of the earth itself". No, the pantheism ain't working. It's safe to deduce that the Divine Injunction to "subdue the Earth" in Genesis 1 isn't looked upon positively. And what would a dissent-driven Catholic organization be in the post-V2 era without a Justice & Peace Office. Don't want to discuss SFM's version now because lately I find the entire field of "social justice" (i.e. bureaucratic mountains of nebulously-worded, never-to-be-read reports, letters, proceedings, communiqués, position papers, ad nauseum) to be utterly depressing. A Scarboro Missions example: "Work on social justice is done collaboratively and primarily through inter-church connections such as KAIROS, as well as interfaith and wider societal connections". See? Depressing.
XIV. Finally, there is the Mission Information/Education Department, which might be alternatively named the Ministry of Unobjectionable Propaganda. It's "committed to informing Canadian Catholics about issues in mission, what missioners are saying and doing in light of new developments in the world and how we can respond to the new directions in which the Spirit of God leads us". The department produces study guides on "global justice and peace", "ecological justice" and like documentation. Included with its commitment of "informing Canadian Catholics" are the kids. A variety of "student resources" are available, including high school "teaching models". Here's one for "World Religions Retreat Day":
Facilitator leads the entire group in a prayer experience that prepares everyone to partake of the various spiritualities to be presented that day. The world faiths representatives are invited to share their traditions on more than just an intellectual level. They are free to use song, story, dance, ritual, prayer, chant or meditation in their presentations: a) Native person conducts sweetgrass ceremony (purification ritual) and gives a teaching on the sacred circle (with all students gathered in a circle), followed by questions, b) Hindu classical Indian dancer performs a dance and then reflects with the students on how this dance routine is an expression of Hindu spirituality c) Taoist speaks about the ancient Taoist tradition of China and then performs a tai chi set. Discusses tai chi as an expression of Taoism. Leads the students in a tai chi routine.
Learning about rituals of pagan religions in the classroom is fair enough, but what the hell is it with all this re-enactment nonsense? Parents, do you want your children forming a "sacred circle" so as to be purified via the inhalation of smoke from burning vegetation? Do you want them wafting this smoke over themselves so as to supposedly cleanse their bodies, hearts, minds and souls? Listen, I like Bollywood song and dance numbers of old - a lot of fun. But is it really a good idea for a pubescent boy to drool over some hot, exotic dancer close-up and personal as she shakes her pagan booty - with tattoos and body piercings to boot? Come on, I was once a boy and would have been absolutely mesmerized by this...
Classical Indian dance is based on the Natya Shastra, meaning "authoritative scripture regarding drama", claimed to be written by the Hindu god Brahman.[10] It dramatizes gods in battle, demons too, the role of humans in this affair, with all the sexual undertones. As for Tai Chi? Whatever. I'll go to a doctor if I have back problems. Don't mean to be even ruder, but would it hurt that much to include a "prayer experience" (shudder) that is Catholic into the mix? Some Gregorian chant would be worthwhile - and this is the problem. Exclusion of Catholic ritual, inclusion of heathen rituals. Overseen by some condescending "Facilitator" (hello Mr. Orwell), this is plain indoctrination that can only confuse impressionable Catholic youth. Is this what modern missionary work has become? A complete 180. Pathetic.
XV. The most telling evidence pointing to a near-total breakdown at Scarboro Missions are two articles just published in its magazine, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Vatican II. One was written by excommunicated priest, Marxist and Canadian heresiarch Gregory Baum: "...openness to dialogue came to an end soon after the Council. In 1968 Paul VI published the encyclical Humanae Vitae condemning all forms of artificial birth control without an antecedent dialogue with the bishops and their people... Empirical research has shown that most church-going Catholics do not follow the papal teaching on sexual ethics".[11] What Greg doesn't say is that he was a principal enabler of the 1968 issuance of the Winnipeg Statement by the Canadian bishops, which effectively gave permission for Canadian Catholics to contracept despite Humanae Vitae. His partner in crime was "certified Enneagram teacher" Remi de Roo, former bishop of Victoria, BC, author of the other article.[12]
XVI. The more you read and evaluate the humbug going on at Scarboro Missions, the more you come to realize that it isn't so much the welcoming and assimilation of other religions into Catholicism that's in play. This is surface appearance. Instead, SFM's ecumenical syncretism - a Politically Correct inversion of traditional missionary work - becomes an excuse for dissent, quiet and subtle, functioning in the subsurface, so as to omit or accommodate a flat-out rejection of the Church's more stringent, particularized teachings, or simply to justify moral laxity in one's personal life. So the Inspector's advice to Canadian Catholics would be to hold off on donations to Scarboro Missions pending some major overhaul of its inner workings. The organization is infected with Modernism and there's just too much dissent going on over there.
1. For some history see the article, S.A. Missick, "Mar Thoma: The Apostolic Foundation of the Assyrian Church and the Christians of St. Thomas in India", Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies, 2000, vol. XIV, no. 2, pp. 33-61.
2. cf. "Weed out Christianity, says Hindu BJP nationalist leader", Asia News/PIME, August 19, 2010; "BJP backed Karnataka's anti-Christian strife", The Times of India, April 6, 2011; N. Carvalho, "Karnataka, 20 Christians in prayer assaulted and humiliated, accused of proselytizing", Asia News/PIME, January 25, 2012.
3. This quotation and the remainder in this post (including photographs/images) were extracted from the Scarboro Missions website, unless stated otherwise.
4. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (Toronto: Thomas Allen & Son Limited, 1977), p. 575.
5. A good place to start is B. Ye'or, trans. M. Kochan, The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996).
6. Corroborated by this news item posted at the SFM website in February 2012: "Understanding Islam - Tuesdays 7 to 9 pm, February 7-28, 2012: Clearly, Islam is an important religious and social phenomenon in our globalized world. But what do Muslims actually believe and practice? In this four-evening educational series at Scarboro Missions, important Muslim leaders and Islamic scholars will provide you with a basic introduction to Islam. The program will focus on the Prophet Muhammad, the origins of Islam, the Holy Qur'an, the Five Pillars and Islam as a way of life".
7. See M. Swan, "D&P reeling after government imposes 65 per cent funding cut", Catholic Register, March 23, 2012. Subnote that Scarboro Missions member Fr. Robert Smith, cooperating with Development + Peace during its start-up, was also part of the group that formed the heretical Catholic New Times. CNT became defunct in 2006. Cf. M. Hathaway and Fr. G. Curry, "Expressing Solidarity, Scarboro Missions' commitment to Justice and Peace", Scarboro Missions Magazine, February 1995.
8. Support/facilitation of abortion by UNICEF: J.H. Westen, "Parents Warned Against Giving to UNICEF this Halloween - UNICEF Still Promoting Abortion", LifeSite News, October 30, 2007. Amnesty International: "Amnesty International Canada's consultations regarding sexual and reproductive rights - May 2007", Public Statement issued on June 14, 2007. OXFAM: S Block, "Oxfam and Sojourners gang up to save the world", Spero News, July 21, 2009. KAIROS: A. de Valk, "Catholics should stop funding KAIROS", Catholic Insight, January 2010, vol. XVIII, no. 1, p. 3.
9. J. Chittister, "A glimpse of oneness for a change", National Catholic Reporter, November 26, 2008.
10. Cf. C.A. Jones and J.D. Ryan, Encyclopedia of Hinduism (New York: Facts on Files Incorporated, 2007), p. 308.
11. G. Baum, "Vatican II, The Church in dialogue", Scarboro Missions Magazine, January/February 2012.
12. R. de Roo, "Vatican II, Reflections of a Council Father", Scarboro Missions Magazine, January/February 2012. You can read all about Baum's and De Roo's involvement with the Winnipeg Statement in V. Foy, "Tragedy at Winnipeg: The Canadian Catholic Bishops' Statement on Humanae vitae", Challenge, vol. 14, 1988.
Classical Indian dance is based on the Natya Shastra, meaning "authoritative scripture regarding drama", claimed to be written by the Hindu god Brahman.[10] It dramatizes gods in battle, demons too, the role of humans in this affair, with all the sexual undertones. As for Tai Chi? Whatever. I'll go to a doctor if I have back problems. Don't mean to be even ruder, but would it hurt that much to include a "prayer experience" (shudder) that is Catholic into the mix? Some Gregorian chant would be worthwhile - and this is the problem. Exclusion of Catholic ritual, inclusion of heathen rituals. Overseen by some condescending "Facilitator" (hello Mr. Orwell), this is plain indoctrination that can only confuse impressionable Catholic youth. Is this what modern missionary work has become? A complete 180. Pathetic.
XV. The most telling evidence pointing to a near-total breakdown at Scarboro Missions are two articles just published in its magazine, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Vatican II. One was written by excommunicated priest, Marxist and Canadian heresiarch Gregory Baum: "...openness to dialogue came to an end soon after the Council. In 1968 Paul VI published the encyclical Humanae Vitae condemning all forms of artificial birth control without an antecedent dialogue with the bishops and their people... Empirical research has shown that most church-going Catholics do not follow the papal teaching on sexual ethics".[11] What Greg doesn't say is that he was a principal enabler of the 1968 issuance of the Winnipeg Statement by the Canadian bishops, which effectively gave permission for Canadian Catholics to contracept despite Humanae Vitae. His partner in crime was "certified Enneagram teacher" Remi de Roo, former bishop of Victoria, BC, author of the other article.[12]
XVI. The more you read and evaluate the humbug going on at Scarboro Missions, the more you come to realize that it isn't so much the welcoming and assimilation of other religions into Catholicism that's in play. This is surface appearance. Instead, SFM's ecumenical syncretism - a Politically Correct inversion of traditional missionary work - becomes an excuse for dissent, quiet and subtle, functioning in the subsurface, so as to omit or accommodate a flat-out rejection of the Church's more stringent, particularized teachings, or simply to justify moral laxity in one's personal life. So the Inspector's advice to Canadian Catholics would be to hold off on donations to Scarboro Missions pending some major overhaul of its inner workings. The organization is infected with Modernism and there's just too much dissent going on over there.
1. For some history see the article, S.A. Missick, "Mar Thoma: The Apostolic Foundation of the Assyrian Church and the Christians of St. Thomas in India", Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies, 2000, vol. XIV, no. 2, pp. 33-61.
2. cf. "Weed out Christianity, says Hindu BJP nationalist leader", Asia News/PIME, August 19, 2010; "BJP backed Karnataka's anti-Christian strife", The Times of India, April 6, 2011; N. Carvalho, "Karnataka, 20 Christians in prayer assaulted and humiliated, accused of proselytizing", Asia News/PIME, January 25, 2012.
3. This quotation and the remainder in this post (including photographs/images) were extracted from the Scarboro Missions website, unless stated otherwise.
4. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (Toronto: Thomas Allen & Son Limited, 1977), p. 575.
5. A good place to start is B. Ye'or, trans. M. Kochan, The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996).
6. Corroborated by this news item posted at the SFM website in February 2012: "Understanding Islam - Tuesdays 7 to 9 pm, February 7-28, 2012: Clearly, Islam is an important religious and social phenomenon in our globalized world. But what do Muslims actually believe and practice? In this four-evening educational series at Scarboro Missions, important Muslim leaders and Islamic scholars will provide you with a basic introduction to Islam. The program will focus on the Prophet Muhammad, the origins of Islam, the Holy Qur'an, the Five Pillars and Islam as a way of life".
7. See M. Swan, "D&P reeling after government imposes 65 per cent funding cut", Catholic Register, March 23, 2012. Subnote that Scarboro Missions member Fr. Robert Smith, cooperating with Development + Peace during its start-up, was also part of the group that formed the heretical Catholic New Times. CNT became defunct in 2006. Cf. M. Hathaway and Fr. G. Curry, "Expressing Solidarity, Scarboro Missions' commitment to Justice and Peace", Scarboro Missions Magazine, February 1995.
8. Support/facilitation of abortion by UNICEF: J.H. Westen, "Parents Warned Against Giving to UNICEF this Halloween - UNICEF Still Promoting Abortion", LifeSite News, October 30, 2007. Amnesty International: "Amnesty International Canada's consultations regarding sexual and reproductive rights - May 2007", Public Statement issued on June 14, 2007. OXFAM: S Block, "Oxfam and Sojourners gang up to save the world", Spero News, July 21, 2009. KAIROS: A. de Valk, "Catholics should stop funding KAIROS", Catholic Insight, January 2010, vol. XVIII, no. 1, p. 3.
9. J. Chittister, "A glimpse of oneness for a change", National Catholic Reporter, November 26, 2008.
10. Cf. C.A. Jones and J.D. Ryan, Encyclopedia of Hinduism (New York: Facts on Files Incorporated, 2007), p. 308.
11. G. Baum, "Vatican II, The Church in dialogue", Scarboro Missions Magazine, January/February 2012.
12. R. de Roo, "Vatican II, Reflections of a Council Father", Scarboro Missions Magazine, January/February 2012. You can read all about Baum's and De Roo's involvement with the Winnipeg Statement in V. Foy, "Tragedy at Winnipeg: The Canadian Catholic Bishops' Statement on Humanae vitae", Challenge, vol. 14, 1988.

Great to see you back on the Innerwebz, TH2!
Another awesome piece. If I were a Canadian, no way in Satan's Realm would I be going to Scarborough's "Let's All Be Fair"...
One thing I noticed - and I'm sure you did too, since you wrote the piece - is that SFM has no issues about decrying Catholicism's past of "violence" and "imperialism", but turns a blind eye to Islam's past of the same. I imagine they would say the same of the violence perpetrated by the Protestants against Catholics immediately following the Reformation, or the Queen's subjugation of the Catholic faith in England, including all the martyrs she helped produce. So very very shameful.
Keep up the great work!
1: The video clip of your action flick. I assume that is you taking on the car loads & busloads of heritics attempting to destroy the Catholic Church (Roman, Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankar) in India.
2: Perry Como. Yup, my paisan was on the right side of things.
3: Missioners - PUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They sound like members of a cult, not Catholics who are supposed to be evangelizing.
4: Another excellent summary of what is wrong with SFM. Hopefully, now that the LCWR visitation is done & the results are out, the Vatican will turn its eyes North. Just reading your blog will save the visitator a lot of work.
5: Speaking on Novalis. The other day at the library, I picked up a bio of Dorothy Day. Put out by Orbis. (Novalis distributes in Canada). Haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I suspect some things are omitted that should have been, like what she said about Hitler & the Jews as Hilter isn't listed in the index.
Larry: Not just Scarboro Missions, but most of the Canadian Catholic MSM outlets are effectively silent on the threat(s) of Islam.
Allen: As you probably already know - but just in case, Orbis publishes all kinds of dissenting type books.
TH:And thanks for your thoughtful reply. I wish you peace in the risen Christ.
TH2 - Yes I do, that is exactly why I have my misgivings about the book telling the entire story. BTW, the Novalas logo was on the book next to the Orbis logo.
TH2, Thank you very much for the excellent analysis. You are a blessing to the Church, having put your intellectual gifts and your hard work at the service of Our Lady, Our Lord and us. I laugh out loud at your trenchant humor, as you characterize the sad, cowardly descent of once glorious orders into the nonexistent common ground. And see, you have inspired me...
I don't think I mentioned before a piece I heard on the CBC a few years ago, it was on a Canadian Holiday, possibly Canada Day, or your Thanksgiving, in which a female radio personality was hosting a call-in show about the advances of women in Canada, of course her theme was tres PC.
A woman, who described herself as a grandmother from Akwesasne called in, a Mrs. Hearne, I think, and she described how there were many wonderful young families with lots of children, and how happy they were. While she didn't say she was Catholic I don't think, she described her Catholic Faith as the foundation of her beliefs and values in a beautiful, concise way. Of course there was foreboding silence from the announcer, and the Mohawk Grandmother then said, "we cherish our children, both those who are born, those who are yet to be born, we see their faces in the ground!" Well, the announcer couldn't get off the phone with that wonderful woman quick enough! The missionaries have done good work and have borne good fruit, let us pray to Blessed Kateri for a re-invigoration of the Church in NA. Keep up the good work!
Michelangelo, thanks for your complimentary words, however know that this blogger is but a lowly compiler with a big time attitude problem ;) I think the attitude is justified, given the last 40+ years of theological wasteland, and so I look to St. Athanasius
(a mean writer) and the Arian wasteland he lived in for my inspiration
and support. It's a kind of TH2 contra mundum thing.
TH2, Thank you, but I hope you won't mind if I consider you a champion for the good guys. Now, you know of course in that diocese a travers le lac Ontario, that the local Islamic society bought St. Anthony's Church and turned it into a mosque. There were similar sessions held by the diocese for the Catlicks with similar ground rules prior to the deal, and from what I heard, similar outcomes. This weekend I was home visiting in that diocese and something happened at Sunday Mass that I have never seen before. I googled this but nothing came up. You think you've seen everything and THEN!... My old home parish doesn't have a Priest pastor, but rather a lay administrator, and the assigned Priest is called the helping Priest (but the people call him the pastor).
Anyway, at the entrance, the lay administrator (LA), got up in an alb, processes in with the Priest and Deacon as per his usual routine, but then it happened. When the Priest and deacon go to kiss the altar, the LA kisses the altar right along with the Priest and Deacon! I don't think he ever did that before. Now I read the GIRM and of course it states that the Priest and Deacon reverence the altar by kissing it. But, by simple logic and universal practice in my humble experience, I would conclude that for the LA to do this is uh, wrong. (Yes, you are right to point out that he shouldn't be there anyway, but that's another post.) (And not to go on, but while the helping priest celebrant has the bigger presidential chair, the LA's chair is centered right behind the altar, where the Tabernacle should be. ) It's all so childish, but coldly calculated too. What makes me so angry is that it is designed to sway the hearts the masses so that the badguys have "support" when they try to bolt. It is utter evil. God have mercy on us.
As always, I'm evil enough to make something like this up, but I'm not clever enough, so that's my defense... Jack Daniels indeed! God bless.
To heighten the intellectual level of this discourse, allow me to add that I appreciate the appearance of my dear Mr. Scampers. ;)
Quite a depressing situation you describe in that diocese. A great blog to check out on the liturgical situation in Canada is Vox Cantoris: http://voxcantor.blogspot.ca/ It's one of my regular reads.
On behalf of Mr. Scampers, let me apologize for his rather infrequent appearances as of late.
Glad to see you posting again! The amount of money that SFM pulls in is incredible. Too bad its not going to a better cause.
"Come on, I was once a boy and would have been absolutely mesmerized by this... "
Hello Bollywood: Figure skating wasn't suggested by SFM as a religious teaching tool. But it was a nice try.
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